“In 2015, about 41 percent of U.S. infants under the age of one were obese, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.” The obesity epidemic among infants is a growing problem that has been noticed more and more lately with our nation’s children. So what are parents to do?


This blog post will discuss some suggestions on what parents should be cautious about while trying new snacks for babys. It will also explore two popular snacks that have been found to be safe and helpful for healthier weight gain in infants: oatmeal and watermelon pieces.


Parents are always looking for ways to keep their baby happy while keeping them healthy. Unfortunately, this can sometimes be a dilemma when trying to find the perfect snack that is both healthy and tasty. Parents wonder if they should give their baby more breastmilk and less formula, more solids and less breastmilk, or vice versa.


When choosing a food, it’s important to read labels, think about your baby’s weight gain, consider allergies, and make sure you’re offering nutritious foods.


Here are some dietary issues that parents need to be aware of:


  1. Some of the calcium in breastmilk is lost when formula is exposed to air. Since formula has already been heated, parents should purchase the highest quality formulas they can afford, and they should express some breastmilk to make it last. Parents should also consider adding an electrolyte mix if their baby doesn’t have a well-established eating pattern.


  1. Formula loses its nutritional value after multiple changes to prepare it for travel, so parents should plan ahead to purchase formula and food in advance when possible.


  1. Babies need adequate iron in their diet to grow strong, but no more than 6 months old (1). Without sufficient iron stores, bleeding can occur during periods of rapid growth spurts or during illness. 4. Babies are often cranky when they are tired, and parents can try to avoid this by resting with their baby for short periods of time (every two hours or so) throughout the day.


  1. The best way to prevent constipation is to increase the amount of fiber in a baby’s diet. Parents should increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in their babies’ diet, while decreasing the amount of formula or breastmilk they consume. It’s important to keep in mind that constipation is often caused by dehydration as well.


  1. A good rule of thumb for a baby’s daily intake is one-fourth cup per pound per day.


  1. Babies with a weak immune system or those who are receiving antibiotics are at greater risk for developing food allergies, so parents should keep this in mind when considering what to feed their baby. When choosing a food, it’s important to read labels and think about your baby’s weight gain.


  1. Parents should be aware that most breastmilk substitutes have added sugar and artificial sweeteners, as well as preservatives (1). Parents may want to choose a generic brand of formula or try breastfeeding if they have concerns about the safety of the ingredients in a specific brand.



All foods contain nutrients, but not all foods are good for your baby. It’s important to screen out junk food as much as possible. Babies need balance and variety in their diet, and this can never be achieved by just giving them milk or formula. You can check out more at organicsbestshop.com.


Parents should always remember that age really is just a number when it comes to nutrition, so it’s OK to take time in deciding what is best for their child.


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